January 2013

Falyn's Recipe

Calvin's in Trouble

Thanksgiving 2012

Joseph Does It Again: Video by Olivia

November 2012

The Boys

Joe's Aunt Margaret

October 2012

Lawrence visit with Friends

September 2012

Joseph's Amazing Water Bottle Trick



Falyn's Favorite Recipe


Grandma says it's really yummy! Calvin's not so sure.

Oh! Oh! Is Calvin in Trouble?


No. He's just jumping off the roller coaster!

Thanksgiving at the Brambles

Another Amazing Video of Joseph

Video of Joseph shot by Olivia who is seven years old.

A friend's Aunt Margaret

This is a video of our friend's Aunt Margaret who was a teacher at the Humphrey kids Montessori School.

Johnathan and Calvin


Brotherly love!

Don't know what happened to him??

Joseph's Amazing Water Bottle Trick


September Lawrence Visit

Bruce and I visited in Lawrence with Katy and Bill Young and Linda and Ron Wright and of course with Andrew. We also had a nice visit with Marsha and Ray Goff but didn't take any pictures.



Katy Young, Linda and Ron Wright















bruceand bill

Bruce and Bill Young















Andrew and Bruce